courtesy (n.)
- admiration
- adoration
- affability
- amenity
- amiability
- apotheosis
- appreciation
- approbation
- approval
- attention
- attentiveness
- awe
- benefaction
- benefit
- benevolence
- benignity
- blessing
- ceremony
- chivalry
- civility
- comity
- communicativeness
- companionability
- compatibility
- complaisance
- congeniality
- considerateness
- consideration
- cordiality
- courtliness
- deference
- deification
- discourtesy
- dispensation
- duty
- elegance
- esteem
- estimation
- etiquette
- familiarity
- favor
- formality
- friendliness
- gallantry
- geniality
- grace
- graciousness
- gregariousness
- homage
- honor
- hospitality
- idolatry
- idolization
- indulgence
- intimacy
- kindness
- mercy
- misbehavior
- mitzvah
- obligation
- office
- politeness
- politesse
- prestige
- regard
- respect
- respectfulness
- reverence
- service
- sociability
- sociableness
- sociality
- thoughtfulness
- turn
- urbanity
- veneration
- worship
Life is not so short but that there is always time enough for courtesy.
High-erected thoughts seated in the heart of courtesy.
The mirror of all courtesy.
I am the very pink of courtesy.