arsenal (n.)
- archives
- armory
- attic
- bank
- basement
- bay
- bin
- bindery
- boatyard
- bookbindery
- bookcase
- box
- brewery
- brickyard
- bunker
- buttery
- cannery
- cellar
- chest
- closet
- conservatory
- crate
- creamery
- crib
- cupboard
- dairy
- depository
- depot
- distillery
- dock
- dockyard
- drawer
- dump
- exchequer
- factory
- godown
- hold
- hutch
- library
- locker
- lumberyard
- magazine
- manufactory
- mill
- mint
- park
- plant
- pottery
- rack
- refinery
- repertory
- repository
- reservoir
- rick
- sawmill
- shelf
- shipyard
- stack
- storage
- store
- storehouse
- storeroom
- tank
- tannery
- treasury
- vat
- vault
- warehouse
- winery
- yard
- yards
Thence to the famous orators repair,
Those ancient, whose resistless eloquence
Wielded at will that fierce democratie,
Shook the arsenal, and fulmin'd over Greece,
To Macedon, and Artaxerxes' throne.