buff (n.)
- abettor
- adherent
- admirer
- advocate
- aficionado
- amateur
- angel
- apologist
- appendage
- applauder
- appreciator
- attendant
- attender
- audience
- aureate
- authority
- backer
- bareness
- beige
- booster
- bug
- burnish
- canary
- champion
- citron
- coat
- collector
- connoisseur
- courtier
- crank
- cream
- critic
- cuticle
- defender
- dependence
- dependent
- dermis
- devotee
- dilettante
- disciple
- dress
- ecdysiast
- ecru
- endorser
- enthusiast
- eulogist
- expert
- exponent
- extoller
- fallow
- fan
- fanatic
- fancier
- fell
- finish
- flaxen
- fleece
- flesh
- flunky
- follower
- following
- freak
- frequenter
- fur
- furring
- gilt
- glance
- glaze
- gloss
- gold
- golden
- groupie
- gymnosophist
- gymnosophy
- habitue
- hanger-on
- henchman
- hide
- hound
- idolater
- idolizer
- integument
- jacket
- lauder
- leather
- lemon
- lover
- luster
- mainstay
- maintainer
- monomaniac
- nakedness
- naturism
- naturist
- nudism
- nudist
- nudity
- nut
- or
- panegyrist
- parasite
- partisan
- patron
- pelt
- plugger
- polish
- praiser
- primrose
- promoter
- protagonist
- public
- puffer
- pundit
- pursuer
- rawhide
- reliance
- rind
- rooter
- rub
- saffron
- sallow
- sand
- sandblast
- sandpaper
- satellite
- savant
- scholar
- scour
- second
- seconder
- sectary
- shadow
- sheath
- shine
- sider
- skin
- skins
- slick
- smooth
- specialist
- spectator
- sponsor
- stalwart
- standby
- stooge
- straw
- stripper
- stripteaser
- successor
- support
- supporter
- sustainer
- sympathizer
- tail
- technician
- tegument
- theatergoer
- tout
- touter
- trainbearer
- upholder
- varnish
- visitor
- votary
- wax
- well-wisher
- worshiper
- yellow
- zealot
buff (v.)
- advocate
- bug
- burnish
- champion
- coat
- crank
- cream
- dress
- fan
- fell
- finish
- fleece
- flesh
- freak
- fur
- furbish
- glance
- glaze
- gloss
- hide
- hound
- infatuate
- jacket
- leather
- luster
- nut
- or
- pelt
- polish
- rind
- rub
- sallow
- sand
- sandblast
- sandpaper
- satellite
- scour
- second
- shadow
- shine
- sider
- skin
- sleek
- slick
- smooth
- sponsor
- stooge
- straw
- support
- tail
- tout
- varnish
- wax
- yellow
buff (adj.)
- adherent
- amateur
- attendant
- aureate
- auric
- beige
- canary
- canary-yellow
- champion
- crank
- creamy
- critic
- decollete
- dependent
- dilettante
- dress
- expert
- fallow
- fanatic
- fell
- flaxen
- flesh
- following
- gilded
- gilt
- gold
- gold-colored
- golden
- leathery
- lover
- luster
- nut
- or
- partisan
- polish
- public
- rind
- rub
- sallow
- sand
- sandy
- satellite
- second
- sleek
- slick
- smooth
- stalwart
- standby
- straw
- straw-colored
- support
- tail
- tout
- xanthous
- yellow
- yellowish
It's guid to be merry and wise,
It's guid to be honest and true,
It's guid to support Caledonia's cause,
And bide by the buff and the blue.