turf (n.)
- alcohol
- ambit
- area
- backyard
- bailiwick
- benzine
- bounce
- briquette
- butane
- carbon
- charcoal
- coal
- coke
- combustible
- constituency
- course
- court
- diamond
- divot
- dope
- eject
- ethane
- ethanol
- exile
- fairway
- field
- fire
- fireball
- firing
- footing
- fuel
- gas
- gasoline
- grass
- green
- greensward
- gridiron
- gym
- gymnasium
- heptane
- hexane
- infield
- kerosene
- lawn
- links
- methane
- methanol
- octane
- oil
- orbit
- oust
- outfield
- oval
- paraffin
- peat
- playground
- playroom
- poolroom
- propane
- propellant
- racecourse
- racing
- region
- rink
- sack
- sod
- sphere
- stretch
- sward
- territory
- track
- vantage
turf (v.)
O Lady, he is dead and gone!
Lady, he's dead and gone!
And at his head a green grass turfe,
And at his heels a stone.
Few, few shall part where many meet!
The snow shall be their winding-sheet,
And every turf beneath their feet
Shall be a soldier's sepulchre.
Green be the turf above thee,
Friend of my better days!
None knew thee but to love thee,
Nor named thee but to praise.
Mine be the breezy hill that skirts the down,
Where a green grassy turf is all I crave,
With here and there a violet bestrewn,
Fast by a brook or fountain's murmuring wave;
And many an evening sun shine sweetly on my grave!
To smell to a turf of fresh earth is wholesome for the body; no less are thoughts of mortality cordial to the soul.
Oft on the dappled turf at ease
I sit, and play with similes,
Loose type of things through all degrees.
Var. By hands unseen the knell is rung;
By fairy forms their dirge is sung.