fond (adj.)
- adoring
- affectionate
- apish
- asinine
- aspiring
- assured
- batty
- beguiled
- besotted
- bootless
- brainless
- buffoonish
- caring
- cockeyed
- confident
- conjugal
- crazy
- credulous
- daft
- dazed
- dear
- demonstrative
- devoted
- dizzy
- doting
- dumb
- empty
- expectant
- faithful
- fatuous
- filial
- flaky
- foolish
- fuddled
- futile
- gaga
- goofy
- hopeful
- husbandly
- idiotic
- imbecile
- inane
- indulgent
- inept
- infatuated
- insane
- kooky
- lonesome
- loony
- lovelorn
- lovesick
- lovesome
- loving
- mad
- maternal
- maudlin
- melting
- moronic
- naive
- nutty
- overcredulous
- parental
- paternal
- responsive
- romantic
- sanguine
- sappy
- screwy
- senseless
- sentimental
- silly
- soft
- stupid
- superstitious
- sympathetic
- tender
- thoughtless
- trustful
- trusting
- uncritical
- unsuspecting
- unsuspicious
- upbeat
- uxorious
- vain
- wacky
- warm
- wet
- wifely
- witless
Still amorous and fond and billing,
Like Philip and Mary on a shilling.
But thou that didst appear so fair
To fond imagination,
Dost rival in the light of day
Her delicate creation.
Studious of ease, and fond of humble things.
Life let us cherish, while yet the taper glows,
And the fresh flow'ret pluck ere it close;
Why are we fond of toil and care?
Why choose the rankling thorn to wear?
How dear to this heart are the scenes of my childhood,
When fond recollection presents them to view.
Should such a man, too fond to rule alone,
Bear, like the Turk, no brother near the throne.