melting (n.)
- blackout
- bleeding
- blocking
- clement
- deliquium
- demonstrative
- departure
- disappearance
- disappearing
- dispersion
- dissipation
- dissolution
- dissolving
- eclipse
- elimination
- erasure
- evanescence
- evaporation
- extinction
- fadeout
- fading
- faithful
- flying
- fugitive
- fusing
- fusion
- gentle
- going
- human
- leaching
- liquefaction
- occultation
- passing
- percolation
- romantic
- running
- solution
- sympathetic
- tender
- thaw
- thawing
- transient
- understanding
- vanishing
- wipe
melting (adj.)
- adoring
- affectionate
- charitable
- clement
- commiserative
- compassionate
- condolent
- conjugal
- demonstrative
- devoted
- evanescent
- fading
- faithful
- filial
- fleeting
- flying
- fond
- fugitive
- fusing
- gentle
- going
- human
- humane
- husbandly
- lenient
- lovelorn
- lovesick
- lovesome
- loving
- maternal
- merciful
- parental
- passing
- paternal
- pitying
- romantic
- running
- ruthful
- sentimental
- soft
- softhearted
- solution
- sympathetic
- sympathizing
- tender
- tenderhearted
- transient
- understanding
- uxorious
- warmhearted
- wifely
Here the heart
May give a useful lesson to the head,
And Learning wiser grow without his books.
He hath a tear for pity, and a hand
Open as day for melting charity.
I took by the throat the circumcised dog,
And smote him, thus.