sympathetic (n.)
sympathetic (adj.)
- accordant
- adductive
- affectionate
- agreeable
- akin
- allergic
- alluring
- amenable
- amicable
- anaphylactic
- associative
- assuring
- attractive
- benign
- benignant
- brotherly
- charitable
- cheering
- clement
- comforting
- commiserative
- comparable
- comparative
- compassionate
- compatible
- comprehending
- concordant
- condolent
- congenial
- congruous
- connective
- consistent
- consolatory
- consoling
- correlative
- corresponding
- decent
- delicate
- dragging
- empathetic
- empathic
- encouraging
- favorable
- fraternal
- frictionless
- friendly
- gentle
- good
- goosy
- gracious
- harmonious
- heartening
- hospitable
- human
- humane
- hypersensitive
- impressionable
- irritable
- itchy
- kind
- kindhearted
- kindly
- lenient
- like-minded
- linking
- loving
- magnetic
- magnetized
- melting
- merciful
- nervous
- nice
- open
- open-minded
- overrefined
- oversensitive
- peaceful
- pertinent
- pitying
- pleasant
- prickly
- proportionable
- proportional
- proportionate
- reassuring
- receptive
- referable
- refined
- relational
- relative
- relieving
- responsive
- ruthful
- sensible
- sensitive
- skittish
- soft
- softhearted
- supersensitive
- supportive
- susceptible
- sympathizing
- tactful
- tender
- tenderhearted
- tetchy
- thin-skinned
- ticklish
- together
- touchy
- understanding
- united
- warm
- warmhearted
- well-disposed
- well-intentioned
- well-meaning
The social smile, the sympathetic tear.
Or ope the sacred source of sympathetic tears.