reproach (n.)
- accusal
- accusation
- admonishment
- admonition
- allegation
- allegement
- arraignment
- article
- aspersion
- baton
- blame
- blot
- blur
- book
- brand
- byword
- castigation
- censure
- charge
- chastisement
- chiding
- cite
- complaint
- correction
- count
- damn
- denouncement
- denunciation
- discredit
- disgrace
- dishonor
- disparagement
- finger
- humiliation
- impeachment
- implication
- imputation
- indictment
- information
- innuendo
- insinuation
- lawsuit
- lecture
- lesson
- objurgation
- onus
- pillory
- plaint
- prosecution
- rap
- rating
- rebuke
- reflection
- report
- reprehension
- reprimand
- reprobate
- reprobation
- reproof
- reproval
- scandal
- scolding
- sermon
- shame
- slur
- smear
- smirch
- smudge
- spanking
- spot
- stain
- stigma
- stigmatism
- stigmatization
- suit
- taint
- tarnish
- task
- tax
- twit
- upbraiding
- wig
reproach (v.)
- accuse
- admonish
- allege
- anathematize
- anathemize
- arraign
- article
- attaint
- blame
- blot
- blur
- book
- brand
- censure
- charge
- chide
- cite
- complain
- condemn
- count
- damn
- debase
- decry
- defrock
- degrade
- denounce
- deplume
- discredit
- disgrace
- dishonor
- displume
- finger
- humiliate
- impeach
- imply
- impugn
- impute
- indict
- insinuate
- lecture
- pillory
- rap
- rebuke
- report
- reprehend
- reprimand
- reprobate
- reproof
- shame
- slur
- smear
- smirch
- smudge
- smutch
- spot
- stain
- suit
- taint
- tarnish
- task
- tax
- twit
- unfrock
- wig
'T is better to be vile than vile esteem'd,
When not to be receives reproach of being;
And the just pleasure lost which is so deem'd,
Not by our feeling, but by others' seeing.