teaching (n.)
- adage
- ana
- analects
- aphorism
- apothegm
- assignment
- axiom
- belief
- byword
- canon
- catchword
- charge
- command
- commission
- credo
- creed
- dictate
- dictum
- direction
- discourse
- disquisition
- distich
- doctrine
- dogma
- epigram
- exercise
- exposition
- expression
- faith
- gnome
- harangue
- homework
- homily
- injunction
- instruction
- lecture
- lecturing
- lesson
- maxim
- moral
- morality
- moralization
- mot
- motto
- oracle
- order
- orthodoxy
- phrase
- preaching
- preachment
- precept
- prescript
- prescription
- principle
- propaedeutic
- proverb
- proverbs
- recital
- recitation
- religion
- saw
- saying
- sentence
- sermon
- sutra
- talk
- task
- tenet
- text
- theology
- tradition
- verse
- wisdom
- witticism
- word
I have read somewhere or other,—in Dionysius of Halicarnassus, I think,—that history is philosophy teaching by examples.