dollar (n.)
- afghani
- anna
- baht
- bawbee
- bill
- bone
- buck
- cartwheel
- cent
- centavo
- centime
- century
- conto
- copper
- crown
- dime
- dong
- farthing
- fin
- fish
- five-spot
- fiver
- florin
- fourpence
- franc
- grand
- groat
- guilder
- guinea
- gulden
- halfpenny
- kip
- kopeck
- krona
- krone
- lira
- mag
- meg
- mill
- mite
- monkey
- nickel
- np
- p
- pence
- penny
- peseta
- pie
- pony
- pound
- quarter
- quid
- rand
- rial
- rock
- ruble
- rupee
- sawbuck
- shekel
- shilling
- sixpence
- skin
- smacker
- sol
- sou
- ten-spot
- tenner
- threepence
- tuppence
- twopence
- won
- yard
- yen
dollar (v.)
The almighty dollar, that great object of universal devotion throughout our land, seems to have no genuine devotees in these peculiar villages.