cudgel (n.)
- baste
- bastinado
- bat
- baton
- beat
- belt
- billy
- birch
- blackjack
- bludgeon
- buffet
- cane
- club
- clue
- cosh
- cowhide
- cue
- cut
- ferule
- flagellate
- flail
- hickory
- horsewhip
- indication
- inkling
- intimation
- knobkerrie
- knout
- lace
- lash
- mace
- nightstick
- notion
- paddle
- pommel
- quarterstaff
- rattan
- rawhide
- rod
- sandbag
- scourge
- shillelagh
- spank
- strap
- stripe
- suggestion
- switch
- telltale
- thrash
- thump
- truncheon
- wallop
- whale
- whip
- whop
- wind
cudgel (v.)
- baste
- bastinado
- bat
- beat
- belabor
- belt
- birch
- blackjack
- bludgeon
- buffet
- cane
- club
- clue
- cosh
- cowhide
- cue
- cut
- drub
- flagellate
- flail
- flog
- fustigate
- horsewhip
- lace
- lash
- mace
- paddle
- pistol-whip
- pommel
- pummel
- rod
- sandbag
- scourge
- smite
- spank
- strap
- stripe
- swinge
- switch
- thrash
- thump
- trounce
- wallop
- whale
- whip
- whop
- wind
Some have been beaten till they know
What wood a cudgel's of by th' blow;
Some kick'd until they can feel whether
A shoe be Spanish or neat's leather.
Cudgel thy brains no more about it.