cry (n.)
- adjuration
- appeal
- applause
- ballyhoo
- bark
- bawling
- bay
- bell
- bellow
- bid
- birdcall
- blare
- blate
- blaze
- blazon
- bleat
- blubber
- blurb
- bray
- buzz
- byword
- call
- canard
- catchword
- caterwaul
- caw
- celebrity
- cheer
- clamor
- clang
- cliche
- craze
- crying
- currency
- daylight
- eclat
- entreaty
- exposure
- fame
- furore
- glare
- gossip
- grapevine
- groan
- grunt
- hail
- hallelujah
- halloo
- hearsay
- herald
- holler
- hollo
- hoopla
- hooray
- hoot
- hosanna
- howl
- howling
- hurrah
- imprecation
- invocation
- jeremiad
- keen
- lament
- limelight
- low
- meow
- mew
- miaow
- moan
- mode
- moo
- motto
- murmur
- mutter
- neigh
- nicker
- note
- notoriety
- outcry
- paean
- pipe
- plaint
- plea
- plug
- prayer
- publicity
- puff
- pule
- pushover
- rage
- rah
- report
- roar
- rogation
- rumble
- rumor
- scream
- screech
- scuttlebutt
- shibboleth
- shout
- shriek
- sigh
- slogan
- sniff
- snivel
- sniveling
- sob
- sobbing
- song
- sorrow
- spotlight
- squall
- squawk
- squeak
- squeal
- stridulation
- suit
- supplication
- talk
- tear
- teardrop
- tearfulness
- tears
- thunder
- tirade
- ton
- trend
- trumpet
- ululation
- vogue
- wail
- weep
- weepiness
- weeping
- whicker
- whimper
- whine
- whinny
- whisper
- whoop
- yap
- yawl
- yell
- yelp
- yip
- yowl
cry (v.)
- advertise
- appeal
- applaud
- ballyhoo
- bark
- bawl
- bay
- bell
- bellow
- bemoan
- bewail
- bid
- blare
- blat
- blate
- blaze
- blazon
- bleat
- blubber
- bray
- bruit
- buzz
- call
- caterwaul
- caw
- celebrate
- cheer
- clamor
- clang
- craze
- declaim
- fame
- glare
- gossip
- greet
- groan
- grunt
- hail
- halloo
- herald
- holler
- hollo
- hoot
- howl
- hurrah
- keen
- lament
- low
- meow
- mew
- mewl
- miaow
- moan
- mode
- moo
- mourn
- murmur
- mutter
- neigh
- nicker
- note
- outcry
- pipe
- plug
- proclaim
- promulgate
- puff
- pule
- rage
- rah
- report
- roar
- rumble
- rumor
- screak
- scream
- screech
- shout
- shriek
- sigh
- sniff
- snivel
- sob
- song
- sorrow
- spotlight
- squall
- squawk
- squeak
- squeal
- suit
- talk
- tear
- thunder
- ton
- trend
- troat
- trumpet
- ululate
- vociferate
- wail
- weep
- whicker
- whimper
- whine
- whinny
- whisper
- whoop
- yammer
- yap
- yawl
- yawp
- yell
- yelp
- yip
- yowl
Or shear swine, all cry and no wool.
A solitary shriek, the bubbling cry
Of some strong swimmer in his agony.
What then remains but that we still should cry
For being born, and, being born, to die?
So dear a life your arms enfold,
Whose crying is a cry for gold.
Oh would I were dead now,
Or up in my bed now,
To cover my head now,
And have a good cry!
Cry "Havoc," and let slip the dogs of war.
In bed we laugh, in bed we cry;
And, born in bed, in bed we die.
The near approach a bed may show
Of human bliss to human woe.
Hang out our banners on the outward walls;
The cry is still, "They come!" our castle's strength
Will laugh a siege to scorn.
ββIt will grieve me so to the heart, that I shall cry my eyes out.
But what am I?
An infant crying in the night:
An infant crying for the light,
And with no language but a cry.
If the man who turnips cries
Cry not when his father dies,
'T is a proof that he had rather
Have a turnip than his father.
It is a far cry to Lochow.
War, war is still the cry,β"war even to the knife!"