emanation (n.)
- aroma
- aura
- breath
- diffusion
- discharge
- dispersion
- ectoplasm
- effluvium
- emergence
- emersion
- emission
- essence
- exhalation
- extrusion
- flavor
- fragrance
- fume
- highlight
- illumination
- irradiation
- issuance
- issue
- light
- odor
- photosensitivity
- radiance
- radiancy
- radiation
- radius
- ray
- redolence
- savor
- scattering
- scent
- sidelight
- smell
- spoke
- spoor
- stench
- surfacing
- trace
- trail
- vent
- whiff
Truth is its [justice's] handmaid, freedom is its child, peace is its companion, safety walks in its steps, victory follows in its train; it is the brightest emanation from the Gospel; it is the attribute of God.