lunatic (n.)
- absurd
- ass
- bedlamite
- buffoon
- clown
- crackpot
- crank
- crazy
- cuckoo
- dement
- demoniac
- doodle
- fanatic
- flake
- fool
- idiot
- ignoramus
- irrational
- jackass
- kook
- loco
- loon
- loony
- mad
- madman
- maniac
- manic
- mental
- milksop
- neurotic
- nut
- odd
- off
- paranoid
- potty
- psycho
- psychoneurotic
- queer
- raver
- schmuck
- screwball
- sick
- sop
- tomfool
- wandering
- weirdo
- zany
lunatic (adj.)
- abnormal
- absurd
- ass
- balmy
- batty
- brainsick
- crackbrained
- cracked
- crank
- crazed
- crazy
- daft
- demented
- demoniac
- deranged
- disoriented
- distraught
- fanatic
- fantastic
- flighty
- insane
- irrational
- loco
- loony
- mad
- maddened
- maniac
- manic
- mazed
- mental
- neurotic
- nut
- odd
- off
- paranoid
- phrenetic
- potty
- preposterous
- psychoneurotic
- queer
- reasonless
- screwball
- senseless
- sick
- strange
- touched
- unbalanced
- unhinged
- unsettled
- unsound
- wacky
- wandering
- witless
- zany
The lunatic, the lover, and the poet
Are of imagination all compact:
One sees more devils than vast hell can hold,
That is, the madman: the lover, all as frantic,
Sees Helen's beauty in a brow of Egypt:
The poet's eye, in a fine frenzy rolling,
Doth glance from heaven to earth, from earth to heaven;
And as imagination bodies forth
The forms of things unknown, the poet's pen
Turns them to shapes, and gives to airy nothing
A local habitation and a name.
Such tricks hath strong imagination,
That if it would but apprehend some joy,
It comprehends some bringer of that joy;
Or in the night, imagining some fear,
How easy is a bush supposed a bear!