needing (?.)
- appetitive
- arrested
- bankrupt in
- bare of
- bereft of
- callow
- defective
- deficient
- denuded of
- deprived of
- desiderative
- desireful
- desiring
- desirous
- destitute of
- devoid of
- eager
- embryonic
- empty of
- failing
- for want of
- forlorn of
- hoping
- hormic
- hypoplastic
- immature
- in arrear
- in arrears
- in default
- in default of
- in short supply
- in want of
- inadequate
- incomplete
- infant
- lacking
- lascivious
- libidinal
- libidinous
- lickerish
- lustful
- missing
- optative
- out of
- out of pocket
- part
- partial
- patchy
- scant
- scant of
- scanty
- scrappy
- short
- short of
- shy
- shy of
- sketchy
- tempted
- unblessed with
- underdeveloped
- undeveloped
- unpossessed of
- void of
- wanting
- wishing