not right (?.)
- aberrant
- abnormal
- abroad
- adrift
- all abroad
- all off
- all wrong
- amiss
- askew
- astray
- at fault
- awry
- bereft of reason
- beside the mark
- brainsick
- corrupt
- crackbrained
- cracked
- crazed
- crazy
- daft
- deceptive
- defective
- deluded
- delusive
- demented
- deprived of reason
- deranged
- deviant
- deviational
- deviative
- disoriented
- distorted
- distraught
- errant
- erring
- erroneous
- fallacious
- false
- faultful
- faulty
- flawed
- flighty
- hallucinated
- heretical
- heterodox
- illogical
- illusory
- insane
- irrational
- loco
- lunatic
- mad
- maddened
- manic
- mazed
- mental
- mentally deficient
- meshuggah
- moon-struck
- non compos
- non compos mentis
- not all there
- not true
- odd
- of unsound mind
- off
- off the track
- out
- peccant
- perverse
- perverted
- psycho
- queer
- reasonless
- self-contradictory
- senseless
- sick
- stark-mad
- stark-staring mad
- strange
- straying
- tetched
- touched
- unbalanced
- unfactual
- unhinged
- unorthodox
- unproved
- unsane
- unsettled
- unsound
- untrue
- wandering
- wide
- witless
- wrong