loss (n.)
- ablation
- annihilation
- attrition
- bankruptcy
- bereavement
- breakage
- breakdown
- collapse
- confusion
- consumption
- corrosion
- crack-up
- damage
- death
- decrement
- defeat
- demise
- denial
- depletion
- deprivation
- destruction
- detriment
- devastation
- dilapidation
- diminution
- disablement
- disadvantage
- disappearance
- disappointment
- dispossession
- disrepair
- dissipation
- dissolution
- downfall
- drawback
- drubbing
- dying
- encroachment
- erosion
- exhaustion
- extermination
- extinction
- failure
- forfeit
- forfeiture
- handicap
- harm
- havoc
- hurt
- hurting
- impairment
- impoverishment
- infringement
- injury
- inroad
- liability
- losing
- losings
- losses
- mayhem
- mischief
- misplacement
- mutilation
- passing
- prejudice
- privation
- reduction
- ruin
- ruination
- sabotage
- sacrifice
- scathe
- shrinkage
- spoiling
- squandering
- trouncing
- wastage
- waste
- wasting
- weakening
loss (v.)
loss (adv.)
loss (adj.)
Who does i' the wars more than his captain can
Becomes his captain's captain; and ambition,
The soldier's virtue, rather makes choice of loss,
Than gain which darkens him.
The loss which is unknown is no loss at all.
The most patient man in loss, the most coldest that ever turned up ace.
The bell strikes one. We take no note of time
But from its loss.
The dews of the evening most carefully shun,—
Those tears of the sky for the loss of the sun.
Prologues like compliments are loss of time;
'T is penning bows and making legs in rhyme.
The loss of wealth is loss of dirt,
As sages in all times assert;
The happy man's without a shirt.
And though he promise to his loss,
He makes his promise good.