wheedling (n.)
- adulation
- allurement
- bland
- blandishment
- blarney
- bunkum
- buttery
- cajolery
- coaxing
- compliment
- engagement
- enlistment
- exhortation
- eyewash
- flattery
- grease
- hortation
- importunity
- incense
- inducement
- oil
- oily
- palaver
- persuasion
- plying
- praise
- preaching
- preachment
- pressing
- pressure
- salesmanship
- selling
- smooth
- soap
- solicitation
- suasion
- sycophancy
- teasing
- urgency
- urgent
- urging
'T is woman that seduces all mankind;
By her we first were taught the wheedling arts.