selling (n.)
- accouterment
- allurement
- armament
- blandishment
- cajolery
- catering
- chandlery
- coaxing
- endowment
- engagement
- enlistment
- equipment
- exhortation
- finding
- furnishing
- hawking
- hortation
- inducement
- investment
- logistics
- market
- marketing
- merchandising
- outfitting
- peddling
- persuasion
- preaching
- preachment
- preparation
- procurement
- promotion
- provision
- purveyance
- reinforcement
- replenishment
- retail
- retailing
- sales
- salesmanship
- sellout
- solicitation
- suasion
- subsidization
- subsidy
- subvention
- supply
- supplying
- wheedling
- wholesale
selling (adj.)
Though he love not to buy the pig in the poke.