make up to (?.)
- act on
- act up to
- agree to anything
- answer
- approach
- atone
- bear for
- bear up for
- bear up to
- bear upon
- break for
- break the ice
- brown-nose
- communicate with
- contact
- correspond
- court
- cultivate
- curry favor
- dance attendance on
- dash for
- draw
- draw on
- establish connection
- exert influence
- fall all over
- fall over
- fawn upon
- get cozy with
- get to
- go for
- handshake
- hit for
- interrogate
- kick back
- lay for
- lead on
- lobby
- lobby through
- magnetize
- maintain connection
- make advances
- make amends
- make contact with
- make court to
- make for
- make good
- make overtures
- make reparation
- make restitution
- make up for
- pay addresses to
- pay back
- pay court to
- pay in kind
- play up to
- polish the apple
- pull strings
- pursue
- question
- quit
- raise
- reach
- recoup
- redress
- refund
- reimburse
- relate to
- repay
- reply to
- requite
- respond to
- run after
- run for
- sail for
- set out for
- shine up to
- spark
- steer for
- suck up to
- sue
- sweetheart
- wire-pull
- woo
- work on