OK (?.)
- John Hancock
- Roger
- absolute
- absolutely
- accede to
- accept
- acceptable
- acceptance
- accord
- accord to
- accredit
- accurate
- ace-high
- acquiescence
- adequate
- adherence
- admiration
- admire
- admissible
- admission
- admit
- affirm
- affirmance
- affirmation
- affirmative
- affirmative voice
- agree to
- agreeable
- agreed
- agreement
- all right
- allow
- allowance
- alright
- alrighty
- amen
- approbation
- approval
- approve
- approve of
- as you say
- assent
- assuredly
- authenticate
- authentication
- authorization
- authorize
- autograph
- aye
- bad
- bang-up
- be willing
- benediction
- better than nothing
- bless
- blessing
- bonzer
- boss
- bully
- but good
- by all means
- certainly
- certification
- certify
- charter
- compliance
- condescend
- confirm
- confirmation
- connivance
- connive at
- consent
- consent to silently
- cool
- corking
- correct
- cosign
- countenance
- countersign
- countersignature
- crackerjack
- da
- dandy
- dead right
- decent
- deign
- delicious
- dispensation
- dispense
- ducky
- eagerness
- endorse
- endorsement
- esteem
- exactly
- fab
- fair
- fairish
- faultless
- favor
- favorable vote
- fine
- fine and dandy
- flawless
- gear
- give consent
- give leave
- give permission
- give the go-ahead
- give the imprimatur
- give the word
- give thumbs up
- go along with
- go-ahead
- good
- good enough
- goodish
- grant
- great
- green light
- groovy
- have no objection
- hear
- heavy
- hold with
- hot
- hunky-dory
- imprimatur
- indeed
- indeedy
- initial
- ja
- jam-up
- just
- just dandy
- just right
- just so
- keen
- keep in countenance
- leave
- let
- letter-perfect
- liberty
- license
- mais oui
- make possible
- marvy
- mean
- meticulous
- moderate
- most assuredly
- naturally
- naturellement
- neat
- nifty
- nobby
- nod
- nod assent
- not amiss
- not bad
- not half bad
- not refuse
- not so bad
- notarization
- notarize
- of course
- okay
- oui
- out of sight
- pass
- pass on
- pass upon
- passable
- patent
- peachy
- peachy-keen
- perfect
- permission
- permission to enter
- permit
- positively
- precisely
- presentable
- pretty good
- promptitude
- promptness
- proper
- quite
- rather
- ratification
- ratify
- readiness
- really
- release
- respect
- respectable
- right
- righto
- ripping
- rubber stamp
- rum
- sanction
- satisfactory
- say amen to
- say aye
- say the word
- say yes
- scrumptious
- seal
- seal of approval
- second
- sigil
- sign
- sign and seal
- signature
- signet
- slap-up
- smashing
- solid
- something else
- special permission
- spiffing
- spiffy
- stamp
- stamp of approval
- straight
- straight-up-and-down
- stunning
- submission
- subscribe to
- subscription
- sufficient
- support
- sure
- sure thing
- surely
- swear and affirm
- swear to
- swell
- take kindly to
- tenable
- the nod
- think well of
- ticket
- ticket of admission
- tidy
- to be sure
- tolerable
- tough
- truly
- undersign
- underwrite
- unexceptionable
- ungrudgingness
- unloathness
- unobjectionable
- unreluctance
- uphold
- validate
- validation
- very well
- viable
- view with favor
- visa
- vise
- voice
- vote
- vote affirmatively
- vote aye
- vouchsafe
- vouchsafement
- waiver
- warrant
- well and good
- why yes
- willingness
- wink at
- wizard
- workmanlike
- yea
- yea vote
- yeah
- yep
- yes
- yes indeed
- yes indeedy
- yes sir
- yes sirree
- yet
- yield assent